The Open Education Global Conference is where the world meets to discuss how opening education helps us achieve universal access, equity, innovation and opportunity in education. The OE Global conference is the most internationally diverse conference devoted exclusively to open education, attracting researchers, practitioners, policy makers, educators and students from more than 35 countries to discuss and explore how Open Education advances educational practices around the world.

It is our greatest pleasure to welcome you to the 2020 Open Education Global Conference which will be held from 16 – 20 – November 2020.

This annual global conference is the premier international forum to network, share, and discuss open education. As with past conferences, a variety of sessions will be offered for all levels of experience in open education.

Taipei Medical University (TMU) is delighted to host the 2020 conference. As a board member of Open Education Global, Taiwan Open Course and Education Consortium, and the Chinese Open Education Consortium, TMU has been actively contributing to the advancement of open education for more than a decade.

This year, two co-hosts, eCampus Ontario and TU Delft, will help manage and facilitate the conference in different parts of the world, taking time zone differences into account.

The theme for the 2020 conference is Connecting the Global Open Education Community. The theme is not only relevant because of the recently adopted UNESCO Recommendation on Open Educational Resources (OER), an important step for mainstreaming of Open Education. The theme is also timely given the recent pandemic. Now is an important time to come together to strengthen the connection of our open education community.

We welcome and invite everyone, especially newcomers, to engage in discussion, collaboration, and sharing. Join us to shape and strengthen our open education community.

If you have any questions, please send an email to

We look forward to seeing you in November.

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